We offer free shipping worldwide with fast and traceable shipments using FedEx and DHL services. Platina Watch & Co are responsible for your purchase during the time in transit until it is delivered to you.



Orders placed will be packed and shipped within 48 hours. Delivery time: 3-7 days business days depending on your country of destination. Throughout busy periods, large quantities of orders or public holidays may lead to extended delivery time.

If your order hasn't arrived after two weeks, please contact us and we will look into the details. Please note that the delivery times provided are guidelines only, and do not take into account possible delays when in transit such as customs delays. If your purchased product are delayed due to stock availability, you will be informed from Platina Watch & Co by e-mail with further details of the delivery time before taking any further actions on your order.


Our customers' satisfaction is our number one priority. You can make a return within 14 days after delivery. We offer a full refund - the product must be unworn with unbroken seal, in its original box together with the warranty booklet (for timepieces) to be eligible for return.

To return your order:

If you for any reason would like to return your order, please send an email to customerservice@platinawatchandco.com and specify your name, order number and product purchased. You have to arrange the shipment yourself and we recommend for your safety, tp choose a secure transport service to ensure your package are protected and insured during transit. Remember to get a tracking number so that the carrier will refund you in the event of theft or loss during delivery to our warehouse. Platina Watch & Co will not pay the cost of the delivery unless your order is damaged and therefore seen as a claim/reclamation.


If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact us by email to: